David Norman addresses tomorrow’s developers

Davon’s David Norman guested on the panel for the latest event in the Tomorrow’s Developer series by Close Brothers Property Finance.
The organisers set up the programme to support the next generation of housebuilders – an idea close to our hearts.
David introduced mezzanine finance to the entrepreneurial young developers in the audience as part of a wider presentation about funding development projects, particularly the capital stack.
Meet the Panelists
- David Norman founded Davon in 1996, building on his experience of financing property schemes. Co-director Chris Hector joined the firm a year later. Together, David and Chris have built Davon into a highly respected boutique finance house focused on providing mezzanine finance to experienced residential developers in the UK.
- Daniel Adelman is a Chartered Certified Accountant at Artform, a design-focused team of property developers and project managers, where he oversees all aspects of the business’s finances from fundraising to taxes and accounting.
- Nigel Barclay specialises in structured real estate finance at Homes England, the UK Government’s housing and regeneration agency. He was part of the agency’s delegation to MIPIM 2024 discussing equity investment and town centre regeneration partnerships.
- Daniel Joyce is Deputy Managing Director, Property, at Close Brothers. He joined Close Brothers Property Finance in 2000, later becoming a relationship manager and successfully growing a portfolio of residential development and commercial investment loans.
A full, lively room heard valuable insights from the panel during a discussion hosted by Leo del Rosso, who specialises in structured real estate finance at Commercial Acceptances, part of Close Brothers Group.
Attendees also had the opportunity to put forward their views on the funding landscape and how different structures can assist with unlocking new opportunities.
To find out more about the Tomorrow’s Developer initiative or to join the audience for future events and become part of the network, there’s a dedicated web page.
Information about the next event and a sign-up form will be posted there when details are finalised.
A huge thank you from Davon to Andrew Argent at Close Brothers Property Finance for the opportunity to take part in this excellent event.